Juicy grilled chicken breast smothered in Kansas City-style BBQ sauce, topped with mushrooms, onions and melted provolone cheese from Tiffany of Crème...
After baking, this creamy vanilla cheesecake on a vanilla wafer crust gets a second layer of cream cheese with whipped topping and more vanilla for an...
Whipped cream mixed with sweetened condensed milk and crunchy peanut butter is spread on a base of ice cream sandwiches, frozen, and served in squares...
Our recipe for Seasoned Sweet Potato Fries is simple, fast, and packed with flavor. The perfect combination of spices and Country Crock® make these Sweet...
Pre-cooked shredded chicken and Uncle Ben's® Ready Rice® Whole Grain Brown combine with basic pantry ingredients that most of us have on hand to create...
We suggest putting the coconut and pecans right in the frosting to make this German Chocolate Cake extra special. But any way you make it, German Chocolate...
Creamy pumpkin frozen yogurt tastes like pumpkin pie turned inside out in this frozen confection. Stir pieces of cinnamon-spiced piecrust into the dessert...
The irresistible taste of sweet Italian sausage adds an unforgettable flavor to creamy Fettuccine Alfredo. Tender crisp Italian green beans and a cool...
Be a big shot at brunch with this casserole, which makes use of leftover buns or rolls for an easy, make-ahead crowd pleaser. (Sleep in or enjoy an extra...